Registered Charity No. 1103584
A chance to either join us or just come to the imformal performance following the workshop.
Holy Trinity Church, Llandrindod Wells
"Come and Sing" 10.45 for 11 am start £10
Registration: essential - please contact Sue Ryan on or
use contact form on this site or
01597 800601
Performance: 3.30 pm - All Welcome
Free - Retiring Collection towards choir costs
Refreshments available
See Home Page for poster and all details.
"Voice of Wales : Women in Focus"
A concert where Wales and Women are at the fore, but the men have a part to play.
Tickets at £15 will be available mid-April:
On Door: £17.50
Accomapnied Under 16s Free
Generally, Tickets are available once our publicity campaign begins in earnest - generally 6-8 weeks before a concert date
and can be acquired from:
The Herb Garden Cafe
5 Spa Centre, Station Cres
Llandrindod Wells LD1 5BB
Our usual performance venue is Holy Trinity Church.